A new IEEE Pseudo-Conference ***** An IEEE fake conference *********** URGENT! Protest the Turkish Microwave Event in Illegal so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University”
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. (917) 699-9935
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE a worldwide professional organization
incorporated in New York State, with offices in Washington DC and around the world,
is organizing a new IEEE Pseudo-Conference
cooperating with the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University”
a pseudo-entity built on the land stolen from Greek-Cypriots by the brutal Turkish-military invasion in 1974.
Please help us send a loud and clear message to Mr. Pedro Ray,
IEEE President and CEO. By continuing its relationship with the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University,”
IEEE abets and perpetuates a blatant violation of international law as well as a transgression of basic human rights.
Therefore urge IEEE to cancel this cooperation and stand for justice by publicly signing our petition calling for the
arrest of Kenan Akin, who is wanted for the murder of peaceful Greek-Cypriot demonstrator Solomos Solomou.
(Sample Letter)
To: Mr. Pedro Ray, IEEE President and CEO
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Email: president@ieee.org
2001 L Street, NW. Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036-4910 USA
Phone: +1 202 785 0017
Fax: +1 202 785 0835
It has come to our attention that IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
is cooperating in sponsoring an upcoming bogus conference on “Microwaves” in the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University”:
PLEASE SEE: http://www.mms.ncc.metu.edu.tr/
The puppet state which Turkey has set up in occupied Cyprus referred to as the so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” or “TRNC” has been declared "legally invalid" by the United Nations Security Council in resolutions 541(1983) and 550(1984) which also call upon all states not to assist this illegal entity in any way, therefore your “symposium” and any cooperation with the so-called "Eastern Mediterranean University" which operates in violation of Cyprus and European Union law and contrary to these resolutions is illegal.
The so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” operates illegally from buildings and lands which were stolen from Greek Cypriot owners who were forcibly displaced by Turkish forces in 1974 and have not been allowed to return in violation of numerous judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and over 100 resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly passed since the illegal Turkish invasion, including resolution 550(1984) which demand this property is returned to its original Greek Cypriot owners. This land and property was formerly the Center for Higher Studies of Ammochostos (known as Saveriades K.L.S.L. College) and its legal owners have applied to the European Court of Human Rights for it to be returned (Saveriades v. Turkey, Case16160/90).
Under Cyprus and EU law the use or exploitation of land or property belonging to Greek Cypriots, without their permission is a criminal offence and carries a two-year prison sentence and a heavy fine. The judgments of the Cyprus courts are enforceable in all EU member states and international arrest warrants can be issued for the arrest of anyone illegally uses or exploiting Greek Cypriot property including members and officials of IEEE.
Here are some more points IEEE should be aware of, and you should make your members aware of:
(1) The so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” has ties to international terrorism, a group calling itself “We are Young Turkish Muslims” is active on the grounds, and the site is not far from the illegally occupied port of Famagusta. It from these grounds that the flotilla to Gaza sailed which has made international headlines recently. According to the Washington Post (Turkey's Erdogan bears responsibility in flotilla fiasco
Saturday, June 5, 2010; A12) “All of the violence occurred aboard the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara, and all of those who were killed were members or volunteers for the Islamic "charity" that owned the ship, the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH). The relationship between Mr. Erdogan's government and the IHH ought to be one focus of any international investigation. The foundation is a member of the "Union of Good," a coalition that was formed to provide material support to Hamas and that was named as a terrorist entity by the United States in 2008.”
(2) The so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University” is responsible for producing an industry of denial in order to falsify the historical record of atrocities perpetrated by the Turkish terrorist organizations Volgan and TMT on the Greek-Cypriot people , See “Greek Cypriot atrocities” http://gundem.emu.edu.tr/subat2006/english/tony2.htm
(3) Universities operating in the occupied part of Cyprus are not under effective control of the government of Cyprus. They have not been registered or accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture and their academic accreditations and certificates are not recognized internationally. These so-called “universities” use properties which are owned by persons holding title under the law of the Republic of Cyprus and who have been unlawfully excluded from their property.
(4) The so-called “TRNC” regime is a bandit pseudo-state and a base for Turkey’s deep state. As an unofficial “off-shore” hub for the Turkish military, the illegal regime is heavily involved in narcotics trafficking and other illicit activities. I.e. , the former “Minister of Agriculture” Kenan Akin is wanted for the public murder of Greek-Cypriot Solomos Solomou, and has been captured in Turkey for heroin smuggling but subsequently was released, despite the Interpol warrant issued for his arrest.
By continuing its relationship with the so-called “Eastern Mediterranean University,”
IEEE abets and perpetuates a blatant violation of international law as well as a transgression of basic human rights.
I therefore urge you to cancel this cooperation and stand for justice by publicly signing our petition calling for the arrest of Kenan Akin,
who is wanted for the murder of peaceful Greek-Cypriot demonstrator Solomos Solomou.
(Your Name, City, State, Country)
Print out and sign the petition The Murderer—KENAN AKIN A CALL FOR JUSTICE
A new IEEE Pseudo-Conference ***** An IEEE fake conference ***********
OFFICIAL LETTER FROM, Ioannis Shekersavvas
C.c. Members of US Congress,
The White House.
A new IEEE Pseudo-Conference ***** An IEEE fake conference ***********
Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935
Email: cana@cyprusactionnetwork.org
The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is a grass-roots, not-for-profit movement created to
support genuine self-determination and human rights for the people of Cyprus.
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